THE DESCENT OF A SON: The Taming of Tamar
The brothers Judah and Joseph share similar baggage - they both come from a family that plays favorites.
The brothers Judah and Joseph share similar abilities - they are both leaders, who think on their feet.
While I admire the character of Joseph I struggle to relate to him. He is pristine and above board. While at times Joseph finds himself down on his luck, the writer of Genesis declares that the "Lord was with Joseph." Theologians argue over Joseph's attitude portrayed as a youth mainly because scripture does not focus here instead it looks at God's providence (explained well as God's hand in the glove of history) in the history of Abraham's line and over geopolitical politics. Joseph comes across like a piece of Teflon to which no flaw or evil will stick. Cool, but I don't relate.
I find in the character of Judah companionship. In Judah I see my own flaws and failures. Judah is a "round" character not a "flat" character like his brother Joseph. Judah makes his entrance onto the pages of scripture as an unloved and unprotected son, his name means "Yahweh will be praised," and we first notice him when he convinces his brothers to sell their father's favorite brother into slavery. A hater of his brother, with little care for his father, a profiteer, a leader among his brothers, this guy is real and raw!
In Genesis 38 we see the character of Judah explode onto the scene. While many commentators have debated the necessity or point of this chapter. It should be seen as a crucial foil (or contrast) leading up to Genesis 39 (see "... went down" in 38 and 39) with great irony and contrast connecting it to the previous Jacob narrative. It also contains an important lesson for those who will take the time ponder.
I. Judah's Lack of Faith (vv. 1-5) ~ Oops - Ps 1:1-3
A. Bad company - Prov 13:20
B. Despised God's Word
God's promise to: Abraham - Gen 12, 15, 17:18; Isaac - Gen 26:1-6; Jacob - Gen 35:9-12
C. Lack of Love - John 13:34-35
Joseph, Jacob, Hirah (saw, took, went-in), and Tamar
D. Fear - Prov 29:25
II. The Consequence of Judah's Lack of Faith - Suffering (vv. 6-11) ~ Ugh - Ps 1:4-6
A. Two Sons Die
[Irony - Judah takes a son and looses two. Feels the pain of His Father!]
Er ~ sin unto death? (1 Jn 5:16); Onan ~ no love for his brother, like father like son
B. A Daughter-in-Law Abused
III. God's Faithfulness through Tamar (vv. 12-25) ~ Oh - Is 55:8-9
A. A Credit Card Lost
[Contrast - Joseph flees; Jacob's deception]
1. Judah's lack of character ~ impulsive - 1 Cor 10:13
2. Judah's arogance ~ save face
3. Judah hypocracy ~ judges while knowing no shame - Matt 18:15-16
IV. The consequence of God's faithfulness - character (v. 26) ~ Ahh - Rom 8:28-30; Is 43:25
A. Judah comes clean
B. Judah does right
V. The consequence of God's faithfulness - blessing (v. 27-30) ~ Yippee - Jude 24-25
A. Tamar heroen; Perez - Ruth 4:18-22
B. God is not done with Judah
Judah had little if any faith and was a failure as a brother, son, husband, father, father-in-law...he was slavetrader, who kept bad company, spurned God's promises, he had no self control, was self-preserving, self-centered, judgemental, a hypocrit . . . then God stepped in!
Our lives are like Judah's
- habitual sin in our lives
- gaping holes in our character: anger, fear, lust, pride
- baggage from our past
- bad decisions -financially, as parents
- struggles in our marriages, with our kids, disfunction with our parents
- lack of faith in the midst of adverse circumstances ~ Is 43:25
Do our failures and lack of faith negate God's faithfulness? No! ~ 2 Tim 2:13
Our failures are no match for God's faithfulness!
He forgives our sin, he builds character, and he blesses!
As His children God is in the process of conforming you to His image ~ Rom 8:28-30
Are you letting God build charcter? or is He having to use extra-ordinary methods?
Why should I live by faith if God will build character in my life any way . . . you want a life like Judah's?
What part can we play in our faith . . . do everything that Judah didn't do:
1. Pick wise friends
2. Make God's word a priority
3. Love others
4. Do what you know to be right even in the face of adversity
5. Flee Temptation
6. Be quick to acknowledge your sin
Exegetical: ~ Ps 106:8
Judah's lack of faith which brought great consequences did not hinder God's ability to build character into His chosen people or jeopardize God's faithful in light of His promises of blessing
Theological: ~ 2 Tim 2:13
Man's lack of faith does not comprimise God's faithfulness
Homiletical: ~ Phil 1:6 ~ 2 Cor 12:9
Our failures are no match for God's faithfulness
Genesis 38:1-5
1) “departed” – lit. went down (note: connective to chapter 39)
Leaves his brothers for company of a Canaanite (Prov 13:2) – Bad Decision #1
2) progression – “saw,” “took,” “went in” = no relationship ~ consumer
Spurns his families covenant; Abraham and Isaacs example – Bad Decision #2
Note: where is Jacob’s influence?
Genesis 38:6-8
Further Study: Levirate Marriage (Deut 25:5-6; Ruth 4:5, 10, 17)
Genesis 38:9-11
6) Tamar ~ “Palm Tree”
7) Psalm 1:6b
8) Levirate Marriage
9) Used her ~ consumer “like father like son”
Marriage between a man and his brother’s wife forbidden (Lev 18:16, 20:21)
Masturbation v coitus interruptus
11) Judah as her Father-in-law has control; Tamar can’t marry or move on
Further Study: Lineage (Gen 2:24, Matt 19:5, Eph 5:31)
Judah has now felt the pain of losing a son; He has felt the pain of his father
à Pain is a the tool that God uses to mark the mature (James 1:2-4)
à Fear immobilizes, Faith empowers (Josh 1:9)
Gensis 38:12-26
15-17) Goat ~ impulsive (pure avarice, lust)
18) Seal and your cord/Staff – the equivalent of leaving your credit card in a brothel
20-22) “Harlot” = whore: “Cult Prostitute” = escort
23) Save face
24) “Harlot” = whore ~ my honor
Prostitutes were stoned at the city gates and in some cases their bodies were
25) “Please examine and see;” paralleled to Jacob in 37:31
Goat and personal article; paralleled to Jacob in 37:32
B) Bred Character
26) Judah learns to stake oneself for principal ~ takes it on the chin
No Incest
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